How to Make Moving Easier
Moving house can be one of the most stressful things you can do. With all of the planning, waiting and physical moving, it can leave you both mentally and physically exhausted. Fortunately, there are many things you can do to make the transition from your old home to your new one as smooth and effortless as possible. All it requires is a little preparation, and if you're able to, the opportunity to move items before your official move-in date.
Pre-Move Clean
Before moving into your new property, try to get there and clean the place early. Doing this a day or so before will mean that you won't have to spend ages moving boxes and furniture. It will also help to reduce the amount of dust created and prevent you from having to clean twice.
Box Up
When boxing up your items, try to use plastic boxes where possible. They will create less dust and allow you to see into them from the side, making it easier to find items (providing it is a clear box). If plastic boxes aren't a feasible option, just get regular boxes and stick sheets of paper to each one. As you pack, you'll be able to list the items on the top so that it'll be easier for you to find specific items later on. You can even write the name of each room on the top so that the removalists will be able to place the boxes, sofas and other pieces of furniture in the right room without constantly having to ask you.
Lay the Floor
Furniture removalists will often wear big, steel-toed boots. If they are working multiple jobs, it's likely that these boots will be dirty and covered in dust. To save the team from having to either remove their boots or drag mud and dirt around your new home, lay down lengths of old cardboard on the floor. You'll be able to create pathways for people to walk on and speed up the delivery time.
Prep For the Night
If you're planning on unpacking the next day, create a travel bag for the family. Inside it you can put some basic items like toiletries, tea, coffee, a pack of cards and perhaps some cake or another sweet treat. The family will be glad of the distraction, and you'll be able to schedule regular refreshment breaks to reinvigorate your moving team.